Agriculture in India and entire world is mostly dependent on the persisting weather conditions. The alteration in Global warming has dramatically effected agriculture and its productivity. The increase in temperature has significantly led to a change in the agricultural zones and shift in the growing seasons. On the other hand the change in the rainfall pattern is the serious threat to the agriculture, which in turn effects the country's economy and food security. The delayed or inadequate monsoons also cause influence on the sale of the agriculture inputs such as fertilizers, agro-chemicals, tractors etc.
Some of the areas in India receive more than normal rainfall while some of the areas receive almost no rainfall. The various studies shows the overall loss in the crop production in the country in the last few years due to the anticipated rise in the temperature. It is expected that in the near future India is going to face the challenges that includes unwanted pressure from the growing population, and changing scenario of world trade in agriculture.
Biodiversity :
The changes in the climatic conditions are already felt by the biodiversity and wildlife habitats across the world. Many plant and animal species are eventually becoming extinct as a result of the climatic changes. Some of the plant and animal species are unable to adapt to the changing climate. While some of the mammals have already reached the suitable places, appropriate for their survival. Green houses gases are the main reason for the climatic change which in turn posses the threat to the vast biodiversity. Further more the redistribution of life on the earth's surface is increasing at an alarming fast pace.
The tremendous change in the climatic conditions can be best felt at mountains, where due to the excessive heat, trees have started growing on the much higher elevations. Anothere example that apt to explain the impact of climate change is in the great Rann of Kutch, where the population of Lesser Florican and Indian Ass is plummeting sharply. As the global warming causes the rise in th sea level, it is expected that the marshes and mudlands of the Kutch will be submerged. Climate change not only influence the animal behavior but also slash the genetic diversity of the animals.
Coastal Areas :
The changing climatic conditions are also the severe threat to the coastal areas, which has led to the increase in the sea level. This could result in flooding and can cause damage to the coastal infrastructure. This will displace the large section of population and force others to migrate. The worst hit coastal areas in India will be Maharashtra, Goa and Gujrat. As for the purpose of information these coastal regions provide human with wide variety of goods and services including food, recreational opportunities and transportation corridors. As well as support the great wealth of marine life and diverse habitats. So the treat to the coastal areas is the threat to the human population at large.