Landfills :
Landfills are usually located in the urban areas especially in the open space, where the layers of solid waste are covered with soil. Landfills are normally created in the areas where the large amount of waste is generated and need to be disposed off. The waste or garbage is disposed off in the large pit dug in the ground. There may be chemicals or unpleasant substances in the waste that need to be covered properly.
On the other hand it also prevents the breeding of flies and mosquitoes over the garbage. If the landfill is not designed properly it can unhygienic and very dangerous too. So at the end of the day the cell is covered by the 3-6 inch thick layer of soil. Although according to the researchers landfill can be very hazardous as it can contaminate the underground water and soil and can lead to the air pollution.
Incineration :
In the incineration plants recyclable waste is separated and the remaining is burnt in the large furnaces. When the process is completed only the ash is left at the end. During the entire process the some of the ash which is left is highly concentrated of dangerous toxins. The benefit of the incineration is that the ash which is left can be used in the construction of roads. Incineration method is also called as the Thermal treatment. It is the most practical method of disposing the hazardous waste such as biological medical waste.
Reduction of Waste :
Source Reduction :
Source reduction is the practice of preventing or reducing the generation of waste. We can all contribute to the reduction of waste by the reuse of second hand products, repairing the broken items instead of purchasing the new products, using paper bags or cotton bags instead of plastic, encouraging the consumers to use the disposable products.
Recycling :
The process of extracting the value resources from the waste is known as recycling. Recycling is important as it conserves the resources that are scarce and reducing at the very fast rate. It is actually a process to recover the old material or the reuse of the waste. There are number of methods by which the waste can be recycled or reprocessed. For example the calorific content of the waste material can be converted into the electricity. Some of the recyclable products includes wood, vehicles, plastics, batteries, metal etc.