Everyday we face debates on the ban of plastic bags. The much cry in the air for the ban of plastic bags has raised numerous question for us. Why to ban plastic bags, as they are strong and convenient? What is the logic behind it? And, what is the alternative?
The Plastic & Environment

In past few decades the use of plastic has increased all over the world. Plastic is a big threat to our Planet Earth. The reason is plastics are not biodegradable. Plastic is not capable of being decomposed by biological agents. Hence, when thrown after use, it is not decomposed, which tends to threat the earth.
Although plastic bags make up only a small percentage of the total litter zones, the impact of these bags is no doubt significant. Plastic bags create visual pollution problems and can have catastrophic effects on aquatic and terrestrial animals. Plastic bags are particularly striking components of the litter zone due to their size and can take a long time to fully break down (not biodegradable).
The Eco-friendly Alternative - Paper Bags
The alternative is the Paper Bag which is always environment friendly and easily biodegradable. Hence, to save our environment and our earth from the catastrophic plastics, we should start using paper made products.
These Paper Bags are either made of virgin wood pulp or recycled paper or handmade papers. Most paper bags are made from kraft paper. Kraft paper may be unbleached (brown) or bleached (white) and can be made in a wide variety of strengths or thickness (called "weight" by the industry).
Types of Paper Shopping Bags
The Paper Shopping Bags come in an exhaustive range. They are ideally made to suite the consumers requirement. They come in varied size and shape as per the packaging needs. Some of them are listed below
Paper Bag
Paper grocery bags come in a variety of paper weights from light (30 lb.) to heavy-duty (70 lb.) and 14 stock sizes, capable of holding 2 to 25 pounds. The standard paper grocery bag measures about 12 inches wide, 7 inches deep, and 17 inches tall. A shorter bag, measuring just 14 inches tall, is becoming increasingly popular. Today's paper grocery bags may also have a paper handle - making them easy to carry and reuse.
Retail Bags
Basically paper bags are used for packages that consumers buy. The paper bags are often used to hold nuts, candy, and potato chips. The much stronger one are used in packaging all types of food products, textiles, hardware, candy, sugar, flour, rice, peas, beans, and spices.
Fast Food Bags
Paper bags are the ideal solution for fast food stores.
The paper bags
Have good insulation properties, keeping food items hot.
Allow the food to "breathe," letting moisture escape so french fries, burgers, chicken, and sandwiches don't get soggy.
Are fast and easy for workers to fill.
Offer superior promotional opportunities.
Are recyclable and made from recycled content.
Multiwall Bags
A multiwall bag is two to six bags, one sitting inside the other. These bags are exceptionally strong because each layer carries its own share of the weight of the product, so the bags often are used to ship large quantities of heavy materials.
Handmade paper notebook
Notebooks made of Handmade paper are quiet popular these days. As they are made of handmade papers, they are eco-friendly. These notebooks are now available in various designs and colours. The handmade paper notebooks are directly engaged in saving hundreds and thousands of trees. By buying and using the handmade paper notebooks you will be directly or indirectly involved in saving our Planet Earth from "Deforestation" and "Greenhouse Effects".