Is the Eco Tourism Beneficial? Undoubtedly, Yes! As the eco tourism is a nature based tourism which preserves the nature and the cultural values of the locals.
- Eco Tourism minimizes the negative impacts on the local people and the natural environment.
- Eco Tourism minimizes the negative impacts on the local people and the natural environment.
- Eco tourism directs economic and other benefits to the local people by providing them employment.
- It promotes conservation of natural assets and enhances the cultural integrity of the local people.
- Eco tourism has become the major source of income and is attracting lot of travel agencies than ever before.
- It promotes the preservation of wildlife and the natural habitats.
- Providing positive attitude and experience among the travelers.
- Eco tourism supports the international labor agreements.
- Ensures that the natural resources are conserved and managed properly so that they could be saved for the future generations.
On the other hand if eco tourism is not monitored properly it can be as damaging as the mass tourism :
- It is the major threat to the rich biodiversity and natural habitats of the wilds in the jungles.
- Eco tourism tends to conserve the environment at the expanse of the development prospects for the third world communities.
- Located in the eco systems, eco tourism projects itself are the biggest obstacle in the way of the development of the environment.
- Competition for eco tourism income between the various groups leads to social disharmony.
- Increased use of resources by the human population, even in the smallest sense cause problem to the environment.
- Another major threat to the environment are the production waste and effluent pollution as well as increasing human activities like logging, and agricultural clearance.