Chenchu inhabit in the Nallamalai hills, which have been the part of the Nagarjuna Sagar Tiger Sanctuary for centuries in Andhra Pradesh India. They are mainly found in the districts of Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Praksham, Guntur, and Kurnool.

Language and Resemblance :
Chenchus talk in Chenchu language with the Telgu accent. Their language is also known as Chenchucoolam, Chenchwar, Chenswar or Choncharu. Chenchus have short height with long head, well defined eyebrows with the flat nose. They have jet black curly hair and their complexion varies from wheat gray to brown. Chenchus have broad faces. They are characterized by independence and personal freedom. Young people are free to marry whomsoever they like and can get apart whenever they like. Their present habitat is confined to the rocky hills of the in the Nallamalai hills, extending on both sides of the Krishna River. They live in bee hive shaped tiny huts with wattle walls. Chenchus are good climbers.
Culture and Economy :
Chenchus live in the forest areas. They move in groups in the forests searching for the fruits, roots, tubers and honey. They make leaf cups and leaf plates out of tobacco leaves, tamarind, mahua flowers and sell them in the local marker, where they are in the great demand. They also make use of the mahua flower in making the liquor, sell able in the market. Chenchus love smoking and make tobacco cigarettes consumed by themselves. Honey is the favoutite among them all. Chenchus are good haunters, they can be seen haunting for the animals like deer, wild boar, rabbit, wild cock, rat and birds. They use bow and arrow for haunting. Apart from root, tubers, and fruits, Chenchus love eating money fresh.
Religion :
Chenchus worship number of deities. They mainly believe in Bhagaban taru who lives in the sky and look after the Chenchus in all their doings. Another deity they worship is Garelamai Sama, who is the Goddess of forest. She is believed to protect them from the danger, especially when they are in the jungle. Apart from these they pay homage to Potsamma- the God who cures the diseases like the small pox and Chicken pox, Gangamma, the deity of water, Mayasamma, the deity who protects the Chenchus from enemies. Chenchus have also adopted certain religious practices from Hindus.